On 5/27/19 9:05 AM, David Hobach wrote:

On 5/27/19 12:52 PM, 'Side Realiq' via qubes-users wrote:
How to automate backups of files from a very trusted vault to the cloud? What are some best practices for that?

My current issue is that the files in the trusted vault do not have internet connection, so the cloud backup software should not be running in the vault, and needs to run in a separate "backup" internet connected qube. But I don't know how I can automate copying the files from the vault to the backup qube. The qvm-copy command requires manual choice of the target VM, which is not automated.

This depends on your Qubes RPC policy, which you can manage with the /etc/qubes-rpc/policy files in dom0. Also see [1].
So you can automate qvm-copy usage, if you want to.

Another option is to entirely attach your data from the source VM to the backup VM using qvm-block, which should be faster as it doesn't involve copy operations between VMs. See e.g [2] for that method.

I'd also recommend to
a) use software you trust for backups.
b) use encrypted containers (e.g. dm-crypt) for backups unless you completely trust your cloud provider (I certainly don't).

[1] https://www.qubes-os.org/doc/rpc-policy/
[2] https://github.com/3hhh/blib/blob/master/lib/os/qubes4/dom0#L955

You can also orchestrate the backups from dom0 using 'qvm-run'. This gets rid of any need to set rpc policies or other sidestepping of interactive prompts. For example:

qvm-run -u root -p vault 'cryptsetup luksOpen /home/user/backup.img backup --key-file key.dat && mount /dev/mapper/backup /mnt/backup'

qvm-run -u root -p vault 'cp -au /home/user/Documents /mnt/backup && umount /mnt/backup && cryptsetup luksClose backup'

qvm-run -u root -p vault 'cat /home/user/backup.img' | qvm-run -p cloudvm 'ssh u...@dest.com "cat >backup.img"'

The above opens a LUKS encrypted container (disk image file), updates the files within it using 'cp -au', then unmounts and closes the container. Finally, it pipes the container img file through ssh to the destination system.

Initial setup of the container looks like (in vault vm):

truncate -s 50M backup.img # Size is 50 megabytes
cryptsetup luksFormat backup.img
cryptsetup luksOpen backup.img backup
mkfs.ext4 /dev/mapper/backup
cryptsetup luksClose backup
sudo mkdir /mnt/backup


Chris Laprise, tas...@posteo.net
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