On 6/2/19 1:06 AM, unman wrote:
On Fri, May 31, 2019 at 06:25:41PM +0000, ronpunz wrote:
On 5/31/19 10:30 AM, unman wrote:
On Fri, May 31, 2019 at 08:43:59AM +0000, ronpunz wrote:
On 5/31/19 12:51 AM, unman wrote:
On Thu, May 30, 2019 at 09:56:18AM +0000, ronpunz wrote:
I'm attempting setup a netvm using openbsd.

I'm following Unman's guide
https://github.com/unman/notes/blob/master/openBSD_as_netvm but "fell at the
first hurdle" i.e. Line No1 states "Install OpenBSD as HVM Template". Does
this mean a standalone template? If so I've successfully completed this
stage, but, am unable to proceed to line No2 " Create netvm "openFW" using
OpenBSD as template" - as I understand it an appvm cannot be created from a
standalone template. That being the case, it looks like I need to create an
openbsd template - but how? I need either source code to build it or a
repository to download it? As far as I'm aware, neither exists?

Any help would appreciated
Those are notes, not really intended as a guide.

What you need is:
qvm-create --class TemplateVM openBSD --property virt_mode=HVM --property 
kernel='' -l purple
qvm-create -t openBSD --property virt_mode=HVM --property kernel='' -l purple 
Thanks Unman for getting me up and running.

I made it down to line 12 Set fw as netvm for openFW.
qvm-prefs openFW netvm fw. This command returns: qvm-prefs : error : the fw
qube does not provide network.

Is there a workaround for this?

I managed to get round this with "qvm-prefs openFW provides_network true".
I assume you meant:"qvm-prefs fw provides_network true".

This enabled me to proceed to the next step "start openFW". However, it
starts only in a transient state (i.e. qubes manager shows yellow led not
the usual green) As a consequence I can't start fw.

Ignore this - it's because you dont have any qvm hooks in the HVM. Same
would apply for any HVM - windows, linux, BSDs
Start fw first. Then openFW.

Have now completed all the steps with the exception of line No 44; Bring up
em0 - dhclient em0 - which resulted in an error.

I now have a network applet associated with fw. But am unable to obtain a
connection to my router.

 From openFW I'm able to ping and the gateway to fw;

Not sure which direction to go next and to be honest, feel a bit out of my
depth. When I started this task I thought there was a simple correlation
between  openFW to sys-net and fw  to sys-firewall. In reality it seems a
fair bit more complicated than that. For example, fw seems to have a dual
firewall and network interface role?

I dont understand what this means.
There is simple correlation as you describe, it's just that fw needs to
do a little more work to provide the internal interface to the HVM.

What error do you get when you bring up em0?
What's the output from ifconfig?

Hi I appreciate you're continuing patience and support.

I've started afresh on a development box.

I managed to get em0 up

Here's the results of ifconfig (on 2 screenshots - because I couldn't expand the terminal dialogue box - I know that's sad)

Have tried without success getting the network applet up and running - I chose 
vif26 as client and under ipv4 auto dhcp but recognise that probably wrong.
Incidently I note that the settings in OpenFW are non-persistent, as is fw vif reference number. Once the system works properly, is there a way to make things persistent across reboots?

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