On Tue, Jun 4, 2019 at 5:29 AM <brendan.h...@gmail.com> wrote:

> My suggestions:
> 1) Manufacture Date is good...but more likely to be properly filled out
> would be date of HCL submission/generation. :) Either should be in ISO 8601
> format of course. :)
> 2a) Remove (or hide/separate) all but the "currently in testing", "current
> release" and "previous (supported?) release" from the list (shortly:
> 4.1/4.0{,/3.2?}). Why? Knowing hardware worked in QubesOS R2rc2 almost
> entirely useless to most users and could be misleading to less studious
> consumers of the table (e.g. due to the tightening of HW requirements for
> R4).
> 2b) Alternately: separate out the tables by minor release version, and put
> caveats above older versions that don't have the tighter hardware
> requirements that newer versions do (e.g. vt-d/SLAT/EPT)
> 3) Almost all hardware is currently "being sold" (via ebay, etc.). CPU
> speed seems to be lagging traditional expectations, at least in the laptop
> world (though storage/bus speed increases have been helpful). Intel blob
> stuff aside, x230 and {T,W}520 are cheap and very serviceable Qubes 4.0
> machines. Just remember to update the firmware when you get it (used or
> new).
> when I mentioned wanting a link to where the machine was purchased
and why I want the year of purchase,
I really meant that I feel intimidated by
machines no longer being sold by their manufacturer.
I especially feel leery of buying laptops on ebay.
. it would be interesting to see where people are going
when they are not buying from the maker or a major retailer;
but just having the year of testing would be so helpful.

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