On 6/27/19 1:10 AM, Chris wrote:
Quickest thing to try is to switch sys-net's template to Debian. Also,
experiment with

I tried the Debian template but it still doesn't work. Same symptoms

https://www.qubes-os.org/doc/pci-devices/#pci-passthrough-issues attach

I need some help here. Couldn't find the configuration file mentioned 
(/var/lib/qubes/servicevms/ is empty) to insert pci_permissive=1. I am not very 
good with Linux.

fedora-30 is the newer qubes template , maybe it will have some support for your device, that older OS doesn't , seems logical to me

in dom0:

$ sudo qubes-dom0-update qubes-template-fedora-30

IMO: you shouldn't have to get into the config files, I'd find new hardware if it was me.

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