
because of impatience I finally modify my laptop by sacrifing an
internal antenna connected to the internal modem, soldering the coax
cable to a SMA connector and fixing it to the chassis.

this way I am able to passtrought the modem to my kali HVM and connect
directly more powerfull antennas to the modem, and optionnally test in
the same time multiple antennas with multiple net VMs. Great.

However, I am still interested to know how to use USB devices in HVM.

> Hi,
> I am trying to install thoses qubes packages into a fresh kali HVM with
> objective to manage USB passtrought and be able to connect a wifi dongle
> to it ...
> So I add the repository into source.list.d/
> but I continue to search the right way to add the right keys ring for
> being able to update and go on.
> OptionnallyI also spent some time to bypass this with options like
> trusted=yes and allow-insecure=yes ... and fail.
> Can someone relocate me to the right way? ;)

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