On 9/7/19 5:10 PM, 'Heinrich Ulbricht' via qubes-users wrote:

    It could work, take in account that backup file should be exposed
    directly to dom0 or it will use 'qfile-unpacker':

    Good luck :)

Ok currently I'm attaching a USB drive to a temporary AppVM to restore from there via UI. So I should rather mount something containing the backup file to dom0 to restore from there using the command line(?).

The overall experience so far leaves room for improvement ;) Thanks for the tip.

Its a little tough for me to read all this, since my own Qubes-compatible backup tool with no storage overhead is nearing release. OTOH, if I had been in your shoes (not wanting to use someone else's pre-release tool) and faced with backups that large, I probably would have opted for a direct 'dd' copy to the new drive, or use 'dd' + hash for the backups.

Since you're at the point of trying to modify restore.py, you may still want to consider the direct 'dd' option (if so, then you would have two "backups", the one from qvm-backup plus the original work drive).

Even so, using tar directly with a small script as donoban suggested is workable and something I've done back in the R2.0-3.0 days. So I'll include my old verification script for you here... it could be easily adapted to append the segments to a whole tar file (or to save space, pipe them to tar directly).


# ** Quick and dirty script to verify integrity of Qubes backup files ** # ** Change the backup file name and 'passphrase' variable to match yours ** # ** Should be invoked from a 'tar' command (not directly) like so... ** # # tar -i -xf put-your-backup-file-here \ # --to-command='./verify-qbackup $TAR_FILENAME'

passphrase="put-your-backup-passphrase-here" fname=$1

if [ "${fname##*.}" = "hmac" ] ; then # This file has .hmac extension; Compare with prior file's just-calculated hmac read hmac echo -n "Received... " $hmac read myhmac <verifyqb.tmp if [ "$hmac" = "$myhmac" ] ; then echo " OK" else echo " *****MISMATCH*****" kill -SIGINT $PPID # Stop tar/parent fi else # This file is data; create an hmac from stdin for comparison with next file echo echo "FOUND " $fname echo -n "Calculating..." openssl dgst -hmac "$passphrase" >verifyqb.tmp read myhmac <verifyqb.tmp echo $myhmac fi


Chris Laprise, tas...@posteo.net
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