On 9/9/19 11:32 AM, Sven Semmler wrote:
> On 8/17/19 3:55 PM, rec wins wrote:
>> how to store the wifi credentials in custom-dvm-template ?
> assuming you created sys-net using the a dvm template named
> dvm-fed-30-min and know the PCI identifier of your wireless interface
> (the one you assigned to sys-net)
> 1) qvm-shutdown --all --wait
> 2) qvm-prefs dvm-fed-30-min virt_mode hvm
> 3) qvm-prefs dvm-fed-30-min provides_network true
> 4) qvm-pci attach dvm-fed-30-min --persistent dom0:xxxx
> 5) qvm-start dvm-fed-30-min
> 6) once started use the NetworkManager in the tray to enter your WiFi
> credentials
> 7) qvm-shutdown --wait dvm-fed-30-min
> 8) qvm-pci detach dvm-fed-30-min dom0:xxxx
> 9) qvm-prefs dvm-fed-30-min provides_network false
> 10) qvm-prefs dvm-fed-30-min virt_mode pvh
> 11) start sys-net
> /Sven

actually I stored them in the main Fedora Template that the
custom-dvm-template  was based on

found the proper file and format from another connection somewhere

perhaps not secure, my method, but seems to work

ty for the steps on your method , I know someone else had been also asking

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