
> This time i did not go the secondary storage route as I was having a
> miserable time trying to get it to work, for whatever reason I seem to
> understand diagrams of LVM but when it comes to putting the whole thing
> together, esp via terminal, i am not getting it.
> So as a result, this time during the install I just selected both
> drives... so i guess its in raid0?

Run "sudo pvs". If both physical volumes are in the same VG (probably
qubes_dom0), I believe that's the case.

> So if i should reisntall, then I would need to install onto one drive,
> then try to the secondary storage method?

Yes; I am happy to help if you get stuck.

> Is there a way to use
> something like the blivet-gui?
Maybe, but the less unnecessary software installed in dom0, the better...

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