On 2019-11-20 22:12, tetrahedra via qubes-users wrote:
> The built-in Qubes backup functionality is great but it's very easy to
> forget to run a backup and end up going days (or weeks, or months...)
> without it.

> However, I am stuck on how to determine how many days it has actually
> been since the last backup.

What you are looking for is this command:

qvm-prefs --get $vm backup_timestamp

I have a script that when it runs, it queries all VM's that have not
been backed up since the last time they were run, and if they are not
currently running, it kicks off backup to sys-usb to back it up, each to
its own file. If I were to put this script in cron all I would have to
do is shut down a VM and it would automatically be backed up, though
that would likley cause problems if I restarted one that was gettign
backed up, so I don't generally leave it running in the background. So,
 at the end of my work day I just shutdown what VM's I can and kick off
my script and my work for that day is always archived on a local LUKS

This works pretty well for me on a the local drive, but then I still
need to deal with issues with getting the "corporate backup software" to
spool those huge files off to the server farm at night in order to
fulfill my required retention policy.

> Potential options:
> 1) Assume all backups are done by a shell script, and that shell script
> somehow saves the date to disk. How do we do this in an easy-to-parse
> way?
> 2) Assume backups may happen by command line or GUI (assume we don't
> know). Where can we find the date of the last backup on disk, and parse
> it into an integer value that can be checked by a notification script?

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