On 2019-11-27 07:52, tetrahedra via qubes-users wrote:
DispVMs shut down automatically when the launched application closes.

Is it possible to enable this for certain applications in certain AppVMs
as well?

For example I may not want my "resource-heavy-apps-vm" to keep running
after MemoryHungryApp closes, because that ties up half my system RAM.

How would I configure "resource-heavy-apps-vm" to shutdown automatically
when MemoryHungryApp closes?

You can try this trick when starting your app/vm:

dom0> qvm-run -a AppVM "resource-heavy-app;shutdown -h now"

When the application closes the next command in line is the shutdown command, and the VM will simply exit. As long as the app does not background itself by forking a new process to demonize this will likely work.

If in testing that command works for you, then you can create a specialized AppVM.desktop file, and set the Exec= entry to "resource-heavy-app;shutdown -h now". Once that is done then add that custom desktop file to your template VM in /usr/share/applications and you should then be able to add the application directly to your qubes menu for that specific VM.

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