Well for me whenever I suspend sys-usb seem to detach all devices. And when 
I resume they get re-attached... I suppose that might take some time that 
delays the screensaver but its just a hunch

The big hiccup comes when I have a sys-usb device attached to another VM, 
for example the 4g modem to sys-net. Then as you said vms halt and freeze...
I usually detach everything before I close the lid but it can get quite 
annoying when u have many devices. Maybe you could test doing the same and 
see if it gets any better

I also read somewhere that forcing the USB controller into 2.0 mode might 
help with some suspend issues, I have not found it in my bios version so I 
did not bother... but there is a way to do it from dom0 terminal explained 
on the qubes website

2019. november 27., szerda 22:05:01 UTC+1 időpontban mmo...@disroot.org a 
következőt írta:
> Thanks for the reply.
> I do have a few devices attached to the sys-usb, and this worked well in 
> the past. Only recently I started to see some AppVMS being randomly halted 
> and due to the lack of logs I cannot isolate the issue. I'm experience this 
> quite often, almost on every resume now.
> Given the limitations its becoming very annoying to put the laptop in 
> suspend mode.
> Isn't there anything I can do to pin point the issue ?

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