On 12/11/19 6:58 AM, shroobi wrote:
>> On 12/9/19 9:33 PM, beppo wrote:
>>> Am 10.12.19 um 08:09 schrieb rec wins:  
>>>> hello, is there a way to install and use redshift or any brightness
>>>> control for dom0, which I assume is where the package would have to go  
>>> That's right, you have to install it to dom0 (on your own risk). Just run
>>> $ sudo qubes-dom0-update redshift
>>> in dom0. (add also redshift-gtk for gtk-support.
>> I was under the impression , esp since dom0 is Fedora 25 to "never
>> install anything" in dom0  but OK,
>> is/are there any other helpful utilities people install in dom0 that are
>> "safe"
> I second redshift. I also like having a graphical text editor.
> It's true that Qubes warns against adding packages to dom0, but the choice is 
> yours. I
> rarely install anything to dom0, but when I do I only choose well-known 
> packages with few
> or no dependencies. 

so $sudo dnf install redshift-gtk   ?

seems to not be the package name , hmm

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