On Monday, December 16, 2019 at 5:33:52 PM UTC-5, Claudia wrote:
> brend...@gmail.com <javascript:>: 
> > Disposable VMs were not developed with anti-forensics in mind (e.g. no 
> protection in jurisdictions where you can be forced to hand over your drive 
> password 
> Never thought about it, but that makes sense. I can see how it would be 
> easy to confuse "non-persistence of malware" aspect and the 
> "non-persistence (non-remenance) of data" aspect, though. 
> But then... What does the checkbox mean, "Keep dispVM in memory", under 
> global settings (R3.2, at least)? Screenshot attached. 

See: https://groups.google.com/d/msg/qubes-devel/QwL5PjqPs-4/JwcbdJDbBDwJ

It was meant to be a dispVM speed-up option, not an anti-forensics option.

> I sort of like the idea mentioned in bug #904, about doing the crypto 
> inside the dispVM itself, so that 1) the key is scrubbed by Xen when the 
> dispVM is shut down, and 2) data is non-recoverable instantly so you 
> don't have to wait until all dispVMs have been shut down for example. 
> Incidentally this approach actually offers a lot of improvement in 
> scenarios where the machine is seized while it's on and unlocked, too, 
> but that's another topic. 

That could work, but depends upon threat model, e.g. if the dispVM hosts 
untrusted content then depending upon the VM to prevent leakage may have 

> Just bouncing around some ideas. Seems like it might be possible to do 
> something like that, and perhaps simpler than the ephemeral pool 
> approach, depending on your situation. Thoughts? 

I dunno...the ephemeral approach is simpler to me...in that it's just a 
bash script in dom0.

It's less simple in usuage...in that it takes a while to run to get to a 
usable state. :) But it did help uncover some inefficiencies in the 
qvm-clone implementation that has been patched by the devs.

In any case: the proof is testing data recovery during/after using the 

e.g. With R4, I found that even after copying the disposable vm template 
and the template it is based off of to a new pool, on startup, at least one 
volatile volume per dispvm is created in the default pool. 

I'm pretty sure that's a defect and it's definitely a forensics gotcha. 
Hence the script currently needs to change the default pool before dispVM 
startup and then, after a time, reverts it back.


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