I have found problems with touchpad during installs of Qubes on various laptops 
and when installing R 4.0, R 4.0.1 and R 4.0.2rc3. I will be posting soon my 
guess about why this happens. But the first thing to say is I don't think this 
is hardware specific so please don't regret buying that shiny new kit.

But in the meantime here's the workaround that worked for me this week to 
install R 4.0.2rc3 on an Asus laptop.

Don't try to use the trackpad or the touch sensitive screen during install. 
Instead use a USB plug in mouse, have it already plugged in at boot up.

With the installed system you may occasionally get similar symptoms but they 
are transient, going away as soon as Dom0* has done whatever was keeping it 
busy. Unlike the experience with the installer, the system is usable 98% of the 
time, and the trackpad drop outs are an occasional brief irritant rather than a 
show stopper. They can be fixed too (look out for my upcoming post here, 
perhaps today, certainly this week)

((* Dom0 is a special virtual machine that is central to many of the Qubes 
specific security features. Under current versions of Qubes it also looks after 
the screen, keyboard and mouse. In very non technical terms it sometimes needs 
to focus on the security or the background stuff about configuring Xen at the 
expense of the mouse. That's especially the case when it's installing a new 
system. Plans are in place to move these things out of Dom0, but that's a work 
in progress and doesn't help us right now)).

Let me know how you get on using a USB mouse, please. 

And come back if you find occasional returns of this effect on the installed 
system. In my opinion, on my laptops, it's fixable so is worth persevering. My 
strong hunch is that it will work even better on your kit.

And when Qubes works it's great. Welcome, and I hope we can encourage you to 
stay :)

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