On 2020-01-13 09:50, n1ete wrote:

I recently played with xcp-ng in my lab and discovered the "Xen Orchestra Unified Appliance". its an xen-ready vm to manage and orchestrate xcp-ng backends.

is it possible to deploy the disk image on qubes aswell? this would be realy great, since i dont have a free xen-hypervisor in my lab, but qubes.

From reading the docs, I don't think you can do both Qubes and the "Xen Orchestra" (XO) simultaneously. Both apparently need to be on the bare metal and in control of the hardware. XO requires a webserver running on dom0 to control XenServer and Qubes denys any apps with network access by design. They are intended for different audiences. Qubes purpose is security, XO's is not.

You could however investigate a dual-boot configuration in which you choose which system to boot at any point in time, but you would need a lot of extra disk space to support that.

For testing purposes you can simply install XO on a USB stick and use the BIOS boot menu to boot and play with XO, but I would strongly caution you against trying to mix the two. They are intended for two very different purposes and their architecture is quite different even though they both use Xen under the hood.

The question I would ask is why do you feel you need a webserver to control your guest VMs? Perhaps you like the fancy graphing and statistics displays? What exactly is your goal, because there may be a way to add those specific capabilities while retaining the security of the system that Qubes is designed to protect.


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