
Although I'm using Linux on my desktop computers since 1994 I'm a Newbie
to Qubes OS.  Last weekend I enjoyed playing around with Qubes OS installed
on a fresh dedicated SSD and I must say you (the developers) did a great job.  

Hopefully the following is no dumb question:

I would like to copy commands from certain pages of docs (for example 
something like those here::

 sudo dnf upgrade --enablerepo=qubes-vm-*-current-testing
 sudo dnf upgrade --enablerepo=qubes-vm-*-security-testing
 sudo dnf upgrade --enablerepo=qubes-vm-*-unstable

into a dom0 shell window. I've found and read the Paragraph in 
doc/copy-from-dom0/ which has the section title "Copying to dom0".

I understand that copy/pasting malicious commands would be a risk.
But why is not possible to filter a selection so it only contains
plain ASCII characters?  This would save users from having to retype
certain long commands from the documentation.

Best regards (Liebe Grüße), Peter Funk
Peter Funk ✉:Oldenburger Str.86, 27777 Ganderkesee, Germany;📱:+49-179-640-8878 

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