Tor in sys-whonix doesn't know or care what kind of Internet connection
> sys-net is using. If you use some other computer not running Qubes, can
> Tor connect over that same DSL? You might be getting blocked upstream.

Looking at the logs, it seems to be related to swdate, although the date
command output is correct and the correct date is displayed on the taskbar.
Sometimes there is an error about time synchronization. It could also be
related to the DSL modem settings, as the same connection with an older
modem was working on the same computer with the same Qubes installation. I
tried various things in the DSL modem settings, but since I don't know what
kind of problems occur with DSLmodem, I don't really have an idea about
what to change. The new modem anyway has very settings, whereas the older
modem had a lot of settings which could be changed. That was a probably
used modem given to me and it was pre-configured. I don't have another
computer with Qubes installed.

The new modem does not show the correct date when I select automatic time
update in the settings, but when I deselect it, it doesn't show any date or
time. This is why I think it may be related to time settings.

> >> By the way, even with other internet connections, when I try to connect
> to
> >> connect to Tor with the Connection Wizard, it always says Unknown
> Bootstrap
> >> Tag and please report it. Does that indicate some problem?
> Not sure which wizard you mean, but I don't see that on mine.

The Anon Connection Wizard in sys-whonix. It was there by default on my
every installation.

अनिल एकलव्य
(Anil Eklavya)

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