> On Fri, Jun 12, 2020 at 12:49:04PM +0000, taran1s wrote:
>> - - set a higher encryption from qubes default to aes 512-bit full disk
>> encryption.
> a) there is no "aes 512".
> b) the qubes default is aes-xts-512. (which is really aes-256 with
>    two different keys since whoever implemented it for linux read 
>    the XTS paper wrong, but it doesnt matter for security)
> c) check "cryptsetup luksDump /dev/yourqubesluksdev"

Thank you for pointing out that qubes uses the aes-xts-512 already. I
read somewhere in the past that qubes uses the 256-bit encryption but
maybe it was confused with 256 effective or something.

>> Is this possible to do from within running qubes or will I need to
>> reinstall the QubesOS and do it all fresh?
> most likely for the "encryption" part no change is required.
> so just moving /boot + grub.

Are there any good guides on how to do this move? /boot partition and
grub installation onto the usb stick?

>> cryptsetup luksChangeKey /dev/sdX with sdX to be the luks partition
>> like for example sd3 in case of default qubes installation procedure.
>> Is that case from inside of qubes too?
> cryptsetup can be used from inside qubes dom0, yes.
> i recommend adding a new passphrase first, making sure it works, then
> removing the old one.
> luks default has 8 key slots.

This would mean to execute sudo cryptsetup luksAddKey /dev/sd3 (sda3 is
the luks partition in my case). If I get it right it should
automatically add Key to the next free slot if available. Since sudo
cryptsetup luksDump /dev/sd3 | grep -i key  returns only one slot
enabled, my new passphrase will be in the slot 1.

Than sudo cryptsetup luksRemoveKey /dev/sdX will remove the passphrase I
enter, so I dont need to specify the slot. Is that right?

>> Are there any pros/cons of this setup?
> make sure to have more than one boot device for redundancy.
> you will have to update them all for every kernel, xen or grub update.
> (or accept booting your system from an old grub/xen/kernel if
>  you end up using an outdated boot stick)

How do I update it? Are there any noob friendly guides?


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