qubes version 4.0.
I need to copy files from win7-template to a Linux appvm. I was suggested to 
use (qvm-run --pass-io win7-template "type C:\n.pdf" > ./n.pdf)
To copy files from win7-template to dom0 then move it from dom0 to any 
destination appvm. Invoking this command in dom0 terminal, the curosr just 
hangs and nothing happens and I exit by ^C in terminal. Running it with 
--verbose parameter shows "Running win7-template C:\n.pdf" and it hangs. It's 
like it's not seeing that win7-template is already running.

I discovered that the command only works when win7-template is powered off. 
Then invoking above command will power on win7-template and successfully 

PS: I can copy files from any Linux appvm to the win7-template QubesIncoming 
folder by right-clicking the file I want to copy to win7-template and selecting 
"copy to another Vm" this works fine to copy any file from Linux appvm over to 
win7-template. But not the other way around.

So I'm not sure why the qvm-run --pass-io hangs when win7-template is already 
running. Any help is appreciated. Thanks

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