
i'm new to qubes and i like the security aspect it provides. During testing i 
noticed 2 problems i couldn't solve.

1. The resume from suspend function doesn't work for me. The Computer powers on 
again, but the screen stays black. Keyboard and mouse don't work either. Using 
other linux distributions force me to use acpi_sleep=old_ordering to make 
suspend work. Trying to boot qubes with that kernel option @multiboot and 
@module in grub doesn't help.

2. Having AppVMs with several hundred GB, e.g. 500GB in vault leaves the system 
crippled and often completly unresponsive for 1-2 minutes. Some kworkerd 
process in dom0 eats up 100% of a single core. This happens every time, even 
when i boot up the AppVM in question and shut it down immediately again. The 
more GB the AppVM uses the longer the shutdown takes. Seeing the HDD Led 
flashing nonstop during the shutdown made me curious about the snapshot 
feature. Unfortunately, setting the qvm-volume revert snapshot config from 1 to 
0 didnt help. Neither with existing AppVMs nor with newly created AppVMs.

Any help is appreciated
Good day


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