On Tuesday, 11 February 2020 at 00:56:07 UTC+8 awokd wrote:

> Systemctl in sys-firewall tells me qubes-firewall.service is "loaded 
> active running", if that helps. 
> -- 
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I'm having the same issue with disposable firewalls built on 
debian-10-minimal, with the minimum amount of packages, on 
brand-spanking-new installations (plural) being unreliable firewalls. They 
sometimes function but not all the time--and this is what's scary, because 
there's no way of knowing without manually checking all the time. The 
warning prompts when editing firewall rules aren't useful indicators since 
they always appear regardless of whether filtering is happening.

I ran systemctl in both and found that qubes-firewall.service is not 
running in either, despite having manually activated them. I'm not a 
technical person, but this seems like a pretty critical issue to me 
(unreliable firewall with no indicator)--a warning about using minimal 
debian as templates for firewalls should be put up somewhere highly visible.

This unreliability has been bugging me for a while and I've been testing 
and testing (to the best of my abilities) before realizing that this is 
almost certainly not a user issue, so Sven, the OP,  probably either ran 
into the issue again, didn't know about his deactivated firewalls, or 
didn't report the issue. 

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