I'm not completely new to Qubes OS and have it installed on inferior 
machines before but due to hardware limitations always reverted back to 
something lighter. This time though i have a pretty decent machine, it runs 
windows in RAID0 and I have a 2230 form factor m.2 ssd with no raid and 
this has ubuntu installed. My plan was to get rid of the ubuntu 
installation and use Qubes. 

I knew the graphics was going to be an issue as it has always been with 
Nvidia. This time round though i'm at a loss.

I've downloaded a fresh copy of 4.0.3 dd' using Linux and Rufus on windows. 
Tried both without modification and neither worked. (This is using both 
16Gb and an 8Gb because of issues raised about anything higher than 8). 
Tried to losetup mount the iso but its not possible it complains about the 
sector not being 512bytes and fails to mount. If i mount it any other way i 
get the first partition which can not be modified. So only option is to 
mount the second partition and manually edit; /mnt/EFI/BOOT/BOOTX64.cfg. 
Remove lines noexitboot=1 and mapbs=1, try again and still failure although 
i should mention the RGB keyboard does hold its color meaning the loading 
has finished and something is open. Theres no response to ctrl alt f6 or 
f2. it will respond to ctrl alt del and the power off button shutting down 
the installation. One comment that did get me quite far but still jammed 
the computer was to use a comments answer from QubesOS issue 5165 
<https://github.com/QubesOS/qubes-issues/issues/5165>. This managed to get 
a full but slow output that gave very few warnings until you get to a 
dracut warning timeout script error. This will happen a few times and then 
request you copy the error to a usb stick for viewing but at this point 
nothing but a reboot is possible even after a half hour wait. 

The usb installations are fine and even with the modified settings i can 
install Qubes on an old machine lying around. Alienware's bios is a bit 
tricky and it seems Legacy mode has been completely removed leaving only 
UEFI. Secure boot is disabled but qubes install is unable to detect this. 
So im kind of lost on what it is i should be doing. Blacklisting nouveau  
drivers doesn't help much. 

If anyone has experienced this or if i need to give further details please 
let me know. Logs are difficult to get as they are unable to be saved due 
to the crashing. 

Warmest regards 


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