On 30/09/2020 15.35, Stumpy wrote:
> I want OpenHAB to stay up to date but do not want it to be accessible
> via the internet so i was thinking if I have a template with OpenHAB
> installed that would install OpenHAB and hopefully plugins?
> The thing is I am hoping to have wifi cameras, or at least PoE cameras
> connected so it was less clear to me if i would be able to have an
> OpenHAB appvm that was not connected to the internet, or blocked from
> the network, but able to communicate with these various wireless devices?
Qubes can support restrictions on outbound traffic of your OpenHAB
instance by using the firewall rules built into the qube settings screen.

If you want to support inbound traffic you can use
https://github.com/rudd-o/qubes-network-server but you will then have to
manage your firewall rules on your own directly in the OpenHAB qube.

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