On Mon, Nov 23, 2020 at 9:33 AM Andrew David Wong <a...@qubes-os.org> wrote:

> If you can fix them first, that would be a great help! I think it would
> make things easier for our HCL maintainer. :)
> Usually, it's just the model number for that product, e.g., "FX-8320" is
> short for "AMD FX(tm)-8320 Eight-Core Processor". Take a look at the
> existing entries for examples:
> https://github.com/QubesOS/qubes-hcl/tree/master
> > I am thinking of including the cpio files, but do not want to share a
> > serial number that they contain. WOuld those files be useful to others
> > if I edited them so that the serial number reads "Redacted"?
> >
> Sure, feel free to redact whatever you like. :)
> If you prefer, you can send the cpio files directly to Marek
> PGP-encrypted (instead of the to the mailing list). See here for more info:
> https://www.qubes-os.org/doc/hcl/#generating-and-submitting-new-reports
I have a question about the HCL process and page display that I have been
wondering about.

I was for the longest time copying and pasting the HCL web page into a
spreadsheet just so I could sort and delete out all the old information, as
I was looking to replace my desktop system with something more up to date.
I can't tell you how many times in the last three years I copied the HCL to
this spreadsheet, and when my old desktop finally died I had to give up
hope and just bought a new system sight unseen that was not on the list and
I just hoped for the best. Fortunately, it worked out Ok.

As it is right now it is difficult and getting increasingly harder to find
just the latest hardware on the list as it seems that by the time something
appears on the list it is no longer even available for purchase. However,
there are LOTS of machines that you could only find on eBay and many/most
lack sufficient memory, BIOS, or current chipset support for the current
Qubes R4.x system being developed. Old systems on the HCL are seemingly
never updated, so you can't tell which ones are still working and which
ones have retired years ago. There are many items on that list even in the
wrong categories (e.g. DIY System boards in the Desktop section when there
is a separate section just for those) and I see no defined process by which
to help change that.

My question is this: What would it take to get a set of simple filter
options on that HCL webpage? Or, is there a way for someone to help clean
up and better organize this list?

Going forward it is not all that helpful to see what was historically
running, years ago, if they are no longer adequate for the current Qubes
R4.x baseline. My inclination is this lists' primary function should be to
support those who are looking for some adequate hardware that could run the
current baseline, and failing that test, it should be filtered out by
default. Or maybe just filter by date added/updated?

Another thought is we should actively request those who successfully
upgrade their systems to the latest baseline to resubmit their HCL thus
showing that the same system is still capable of running the latest
baseline number. I know matching old and new HCL reports would require some
work, but I think if you want Qubes to be more popular this is a must.

At the very least the list should have a way to display only those
currently running R4.x.x by default, but then let someone tweak the filter
settings to look at older hardware if they choose to do so.



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