On Tue, Jun 08, 2021 at 06:38:44AM -0700, Chrome wrote:
> Good Morning again,
> I got the OSINT VM about 95% setup. Thank you all for your help on it. I 
> ran into problems during the install of a few recommended tools in the Mike 
> Bazzell OSINT manual. These programs are as follows: EyeWitness, 
> theHarvester, pipenv, and kazam.
> Kazam seems like something I don't actually need but I'd still like all 
> tools set up. Below is the terminal text I saved in a "todo" txt file. Any 
> help understanding the error messages and what I need to do to resolve them 
> would be appreciated. I recognize everyone on here is quite busy but this 
> n00b would definitely appreciate the help. Thank you.

You have not said where, or how, you are trying to install these - in Template,
Standalone, or template based qube.

> =========================================================================
> 1. Fix Eyewitness
> #######################################################################
> #                          EyeWitness Setup                           #
> #######################################################################
> [Error]: \S is not supported by this setup script.

Clear - look in the setup script. You are using a parameter "\S" that is
not supported.

> [user@OSINT-Template setup]$ 
> 2. Fix theHarvester
> 3. Fix pipenv

You have repeated error 502 - this is "Bad Gateway"- change your routing
to these sites.
You do not have right python installed - the requirement is specific -
>=2.7, but less than 3.0.
Install and configure your python(s) as necessary.

> 4. Fix kazam
> [user@OSINT-Template kazam-1.4.4]$ sudo python3 setup.py install
> Traceback (most recent call last):
>   File "setup.py", line 8, in <module>
>     from DistUtilsExtra.command import *
> ModuleNotFoundError: No module named 'DistUtilsExtra'
> [user@OSINT-Template kazam-1.4.4]$ 

You need to install DistUtilsExtra - in Debian based qubes you should
install python-distutils-extra or python3-distutils-extra , depending on
your python version.

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