I'm a completely newbie qubes os user and I have this issue to solve and maybe 
for you is too simple because you know what qubes is.
I created a StandaloneVM that means that it doesn't communicate with other VMs 
and it souds great.
But I need, temporary, to relax this option and I see that there is a deamon 
called qrexec that is responsable of this channel, so if I get what it is, I 
should need the command to give in dom0 to open and close the devices 
communication ports with the VMs.
In my case I created both a linux and a windows standaloneVM but I need to 
connect a digitalsign USB device because its driver is only for windows. For 
linux I have other needs.
Could you tell me how I can open this channel ? so how I can make the usb 
available for the standaloneVM ?
Is it possibile to execute a standaloneVM as root ?
Thanks in advance

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