On Mon, Sep 27, 2021 at 02:35:34AM -0700, mgla...@gmail.com wrote:
> Hi everyone,
> I'm looking for some help as to how to diagnose some app-VM networking 
> issues. I have 2 vms, both based on the same template with identical 
> config, but one can reach the internet and the other cannot.
> Before upgrading:
> 2 standalone VMs based on Fedora-30. One with a bunch of dev tools 
> installed, one relatively untouched. I had multiple VMs based on these two 
> templates. I also updated my sys-net and sys-firewall to Fedora-33 at the 
> same time.
> Upgrade:
> I upgraded to Fedora-33, and realised I could rationalise my VMs, so now 
> every appVM is based off the same Fedora-33 template.
> The issue:
> Some of my migrated VMs are completely fine, others have no network. 
> I _think_ it is the VMs that used to be based on my old "untouched" vm that 
> have the issue. 
> VM1:
> No networking at all.
> VM2:
> Networking is completely fine, everything works as expected.
> Both VMs are based on the same Fedora-33 template, with the same (default) 
> sys-firewall Networking, both with the firewall configured to allow all 
> outgoing internet connections
> *vm1$ ping google.com*
> ping: google.com: Name or service not known
> *vm1$ dig google.com*
> ; <<>> DiG 9.11.35-RedHat-9.11.35-1.fc33 <<>> google.com
> ;; global options: +cmd
> ;; connection timed out; no servers could be reached
> *vm1$ resolvectl dns*
> Global:
> Link 2 (eth0):
> *vm2$ resolvectl dns*
> Global:
> Link 2 (eth0):
> Link 3 (br-11bfb2cd10e9):
> Link 4 (docker0):
> Link 5 (br-cf58034d074b):
> Link 6 (br-f9686c41a7f5):
> So there's definitely something wrong, but I don't know enough about 
> Linux/Qubes networking to work out what.
> Any pointers gratefully received.

There is something wrong, but there is nothing in the detail you have
provided that might explain it.
Do you have any custom firewall rules set on vm1? (qvm-firewall vm1)
Can you ping the firewall from vm1, by IP address?
Can you access a host on the internet by IP address?(e.g
If you create a new qube from the template, does networking work as
If you change templates on vm1, does networking work?

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