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On Mon, Oct 11, 2021 at 11:52:59AM -0400, Steve Coleman wrote:
> I seem to have an intermittent problem when my backup scripts are running
> late at night.
> My qubesd is apparently being shutdown (sent a sigterm signal) by systemd
> during my long running backup sessions which then causes an eof pipe close
> exception and qvm-backup then receives a socket exception and immediately
> receives a second exception while still handling the first exception, thus
> the qvm-backup process gets forcibly terminated mid stream. Just prior to
> the qubesd shutdown I can clearly see that systemd had also
> shutdown/restarted the qubes memory manager (qubes-qmemman) too.
> Q: What kind of background maintenance processing would actually require
> qubesd or the memory manager to be restarted?

I guess that's logrorate (but it isn't clear to me why qubesd too, not
just qubes-qmemman service...).

> Q: Could this processing be put on hold during backups?
> Q: Or, how could I at least know when this maintenance is scheduled to
> happen so I could defer my own processing?

If that's indeed logrotate, see `systemctl status logrotate.timer`

> My scripts can certainly trap this error, erase the incomplete backup file,
> then loop and check for qubesd to complete its restart, and then finally
> restart my own backup processing, but why should this even be necessary?
> When this happens its almost always during the backup of my largest VM which
> can take well over 90 minutes to complete.  If I can somehow block/defer
> this kind of system maintenance until after my backups are complete that
> would be better than having to deal with trapping random restarts.

Again, if that's logrotate, you can stop the timer before, and restart it

- -- 
Best Regards,
Marek Marczykowski-Górecki
Invisible Things Lab


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