I am thinking about upgrading my Nitropad X230 Qubes to 4.1, but I am curious if the version 4.1 has some serious issues that would make the experience worse than the current 4.0 or would need many tweaks to make the beast run well.

I know that the 4.1 is an rc1 with all its pros and cons, which can be but different on each hardware. My question is if the Nitropad X230 has some functionality issues running the 4.1-rc1 now.

For sys-net and sys-firewall I use the fedora-33-minimal, I use qubes-gpg-split and a kind of split monero with qrexec, as described here: http://monerotoruzizulg5ttgat2emf4d6fbmiea25detrmmy7erypseyteyd.onion/resources/user-guides/cli_wallet_daemon_isolation_qubes_whonix.html, sys-usb is based on debian-10. The rest is a normal usage with not so many changes in the dom0 or templates from the default state.

Would you recommend to go on with the upgrade/reinstall of my 4.0 Qubes to 4.1 on Nitropad X230 now?

Thank you.

Kind regards

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