On 10/30/21 9:01 PM, 'awokd' via qubes-users wrote:
Michael Singer:

I have just solved the problem; the system starts up normally again. The solution was to overwrite the second and faulty installation on the pcie nvme disk. I do not understand why my working sata installation scans the pci mass storage device at startup. Wait, I just remembered that I read a long time ago that something like this can happen with Qubes and Xen. Is there maybe a way to prevent pci mass storage devices from being automatically scanned and mounted in dom0 afterwards?

Strange it broke without any changes, but glad it's working now. One way to avoid scan finding anything might be to use different encryption passwords between installations. Seems like there should be some way to blacklist specific mass storage devices from scan, though.

Some people forget to change IDs when cloning disks.
GPT has GUIDs, LVM used GUIDS, filesystems use GUIDs, etc.
When mounting via GUID and the GUID is non-unique, you are heading for trouble.

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