> On 24.03.2022 12:16 'Johannes Graumann' via qubes-users 
> <qubes-users@googlegroups.com> wrote:
> ...
> As the laptop's HDMI port also does not work (likely due to being hardwired 
> to the NVDIA card), I currently have no means of setting up multiple screens.
> I want to use Qubes and this machine as my daily driver and non functioning 
> dock as well as the lack of a multiple screen options are show stoppers for 
> this.
> The latter is possibly fixable through NVIDIA support in `dom0` and that's 
> what I'm working on next, but I would highly appreciate any hint on how to 
> get the dock working.
Installing `kernel-latest` in `dom0` (which currently brings in 5.16) and 
setting graphics to `discrete` in the BIOS renders the on board HDMI port 
active. `Hybrid` graphics settings results in a black screen when the display 
manager comes up.

Still having issues with the screens only being shown mirrored, but I'm getting 

No luck whatsoever with the USB-C dock. Pointers highly appreciated.

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