On 2007-09-24, Danny Mayer <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> rasmus wrote:
>> On Sep 20, 3:30 pm, Steve Kostecke <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>>> Is it possible that your PPPoE connection "shuts down" when it is
>>> idle? Perhaps a keep-alive would help.
>> I tried to set up a looping ntpdate -u yesterday morning but that has
>> not seemed to help :/ My ISPs support forum is silent about this, I'm
>> considering giving them a call.

Actually what you want to use for a keep alive is something like

while [ 1 ]; do ping -c 2 your_isps_gateway; sleep NNN; done

where NNN is a number of seconds a bit below the idle shut down time for
your PPPoE connection. 600 might be reasonable.

> First of all you cannot run ntpdate at the same time as ntpd. Also if
> ntpdate doesn't work even when ntpd is not working you have a firewall
> problem. What is the output of ntpdate?

The problem we're chasing here is that the OP's ntpd sporadically
becomes externally unreachable. Due to the use of PPPoE, IMHO.

Steve Kostecke <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
NTP Public Services Project - http://support.ntp.org/

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