On Oct 30, 3:51 pm, [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Hal
Murray) wrote:
> >I'm very confused on how ntp do the timestamp. I'm running ntpd on
> >vxworks. It seems to me that the receive timestamp and the Transmit
> >timestamp are using two different clocks, because when I use ethereal/
> >wireshark to look up the information of the ntp packet,
> >the Recevie Time Stamp is: Jan 1, 1970 00:21:26.0827 UTC
> >the Transmit Time Stamp is : Oct 29, 2007 15:20:30.1500 UTC
> >However, the actual time period between these two time stamps is only
> >a couple second apart. It makes me think that they are using to
> >different clock to stamp the packet. Am I Right???
> It looks like a bug in the Receive timestamp code.
> (That's assuming your clock is within a day or so.)
> --
> These are my opinions, not necessarily my employer's.  I hate spam.

I don't know think it's a bug, because when both the server and the
client are Windows. NTP runs perfectly fine. Just something wrong with

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