Cyrille37 wrote:
> Hello,
> I'm a bit lose to get a good system for setting computer's clock.
> After asking about clockspeed vs ntpd, I choose ntpd.
> But it seems to exists several ntpd implementation.
> for example the Debian packages contains openntpd (OpenBSD NTP daemon)
> which has not many configuration options, like no drift file ...
> I've found ntpd in the BSD System Manager's Manual, which has a full
> set of options.
> Please, is there one reference for NTPD daemon which I can install on
> my Linux box ?
> My need are simple :
>  - getting only one computer which ask time to stratum 2 servers and
> then serves the time to my others computers.
>  - not asking to much to stratum 2 servers by computing the time drift
> of the server's clock.
> Thanks for help.

There is a reference implementation of nptd available from! 
Open ntpd is a different (and competing) product which is not supported 
here.  The reference implementation from requires that you have 
a C compiler (gcc will do the job).

If you have gcc (and gmake) installed, you can do:
wait for a while and you're done.  You may need to move the ntpd 
executable to wherever your O/S keeps executables (/bin, /usr/bin, /opt, 
. . . .)

There is a lot of documentation, advice, etc, available at

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