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> Date: Fri, 04 Jan 2008 20:32:50 +0000
> From: Harlan Stenn <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Newsgroups: comp.protocols.time.ntp
> Subject: Re: The smallest possible ntpd, unoptimized
> Pierre,
> You might have better luck using the normal -O flags and figuring out which
> math routines are needed, and then seeing if you can find some .s files that
> will implement them.
> Also, "configure CCFLAGS='-O whatever'" may be useful.

Thanks for the advice, Harlan. It's working fine now.

For reference, I used the following command:

./configure --disable-all-clocks --disable-debug CFLAGS='-O0'

The resulting ntpd was 351897 bytes, which suits me fine.

It seems -O0 is needed, at least for building the daemon, on NetBSD-i386 
on a 486SX.

Case closed for me.

Pierre Dubuc

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