Danny Mayer wrote:
> Evandro Menezes wrote:
>> I'm pretty sure that it's possible to run both NTP and W32TIME at the
>> same time on the same Windows system provided that only NTP is used to
>> keep the clock under discipline and W32TIME is used solely to provide
>> the time for the domain workstations.
> No, this is untrue. They both use the 123/UDP port. You cannot have more
> than one application listening on the socket. Furthermore they cannot
> both discipline the clock.

Evandro had implicitely stated what to do to prevent w32time from
disciplining the system time, so ntpd would be the only one to discipline
the system time. 

Of course they still can't both open port 123, so the result should be what
David Wooley has mentioned in his reply.


> Danny
>> In order to do this, the NTP service is added to the dependency list
>> of the W32TIME service through the Platform SDK utility SC:
>> sc config w32time depend= NTP
>> It's also necessary to disable W32TIME from trying to discipline the
>> clock using the registry editor (REGEDIT) under HKLM\CurrentControlSet
>> \Services\w32time:
>> [TimeProviders\NtpClient]
>> InputProvider=DWORD:0
>> [TimeProviders\NtpServer]
>> InputProvider=DWORD:0
>> This will cause NTP to start before W32TIME and thus NTP will take
>> over disciplining the Windows DC clock and the domain workstations
>> will still communicate with W32TIME.
>> HTH

Martin Burnicki

Meinberg Funkuhren
Bad Pyrmont

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