Johnson, John-P63914 wrote:
> Hello,
> I have a machine with two network interfaces.  I need to have two 
> instances of ntpd running, one for each interface.

Why would you want that? What problem are you trying solve? You 
shouldn't be doing this.

> Initially I attempted to partition the two by restricting all access
> from network B to ntpd instance A and vice versa in their respective
> ntp.conf's. However, I soon discovered this wasn't going to work
> because both instances were binding on both interfaces, resulting in
> conflict.

Correct that's by design. However see bug #983 and #984 for some changes 
that I have made. It's currently being held up by a syntax question.

> I tried to remedy this by installing NTP 4.2.4p4 and using the -I
> option to specify to which interface a particular ntpd instance
> should bind. With limited experimentation, I seem to be running into
> the same problem of each instance receiving packets from both
> networks.

Right. It's no different from before.

> Is what I am trying to do feasible?

We don't know what you are trying to do since you haven't told us.

> Cheers
> Johnny
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