Bill Unruh wrote:
> On Sun, 30 Mar 2008, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

You appear to be quoting an off list reply with no indication of 
permission, although it is just possible that the email gateway 
forwarded it to email subscribers without forwarding it to the usenet 
group proper.

Incidentally, what he's done is to run together the peers information 
from many machines, so there is only one CDMA source.  On the other 
hand, it doesn't look like it is a CDMA appliance, or if it is, it has 
been badly implemented, as I would not expect to see a local clock 
driver on an appliance device.

The delays are rather large for the paragon of perfection of a network 
that was described.

He probably needs to be aware that normal applications on the Windows 
boxes will see times with a resolution that is rather poorer than can be 
seen by ntptrace, as ntptrace takes advantage of the ntpd tick 
interpolation, but normal applications will see times with a resolution 
of one clock tick.

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