On Fri, Apr 25, 2008 at 2:35 AM, maxime louvel <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Ok , thus I  should have a better accuracy  for the nodes synchronised to
> this server than for the nodes synchronised to server itself synchronised
> through internet to a stratum 2.
> But that still doesn't solve the problem I encounter in my subnet, does it ?
Just thought of something... are any of these virtual machines or
blade servers? If virtual machines, you will *never* get reasonable
time on them because of shared interrupts. That's just one of the
trade-offs with VMs. The best we've seen is about 50ms average offset
in VMs on lightly loaded hosts.

If they are blade servers, they may also very well have a shared
netoworking architecture that causes the behavior you are seeing.
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