
Who, me? Paper reviewers are supposed to anonymous. Let's just say I 
agree with your assessment.

I've seen a number of papers like this; some I have reviewed. They are 
written by folks with computer science backgrounds and are not well 
trained in physics and engineering principles and even less in the 
physical properties of real oscillators. You (and others) might not like 
the NTP mitigation and discipline algorithms, but each one is based on 
thorough analysis with respect to sound physics and engineering 
principles as confirmed by measurement over a wide body of scenarios.

Unruh wrote:

> "David L. Mills" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
>>I've seen and reviewed the paper; however, reviews are private to the 
> Their paper is public. It is posted on the web. 
>>authors. Someone else should take a close look at what they are actually 
>>measuring and assess the dynmaics of the discipline loop.
> Did you do so? If so, your analysis would be of interest. And I cannot see
> why the analysis of a public paper should be kept private. 
>>>Developers at the University of Melbourne have produced a time-sync
>>>client called "TSCclock" which exchanges standard NTP packets with a
>>>NTP server.  They assert that TSCclock, which runs on FreeBSD and at
>>>least two flavors of Linux (Ubuntu and Fedora), provides substantially
>>>better synchronization than ntpd both on a LAN and over the Internet.
>>>The following info is some of what is available:
>>>1. The TSCclock page at the University of Melbourne:
>>>2. A paper titled "Ten Microseconds Over LAN, for Free", originally
>>>presented at the 2007 International IEEE Symposium on Precision Clock
>>>Synchronization for Measurement, Control and Communication.  This is
>>>available at
>>>It includes a general description of their approach and results for
>>>both ntpd and TSCclock obtained in their testbed.
>>>3. A one-hour Google Tech Talk:
>>>All of the info on TSCclock that I have run across has originated with
>>>the group at the University of Melbourne.  Does anyone know of an
>>>independent comparison between ntpd and TSCclock?

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