"Rajesh kankran" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in message

> Actually i have code for ntp client...and i m using localhost as server
> as NTP is installed on my pc only.

So you would be trying to synchronise a host to itself?
I foresee problems.

> in order to get response i have not written code for server but still
> server responding to me and generating message because of NTP installed.
> then can u pls tell me Why should i write code for server...?
> Means what server should do if write code for that?because it is already
> responding  to  client  with time stamp.

The NTP system is designed to distribute known good time across a mesh or
graph of connected machines. The starting points are (expected to be)
'reference clocks', usually in UTC, and nodes further in the network are
explicitly allowed to take time from several sources. Sources can be
reference clocks if you have them (relatively few hosts do), or other
nodes closer to reference clocks.

The point is that distributing _known good_ time effectively requires every
server to be a client as well, because that is the part where the clock in
a given host is made to run 'better'.

An additional point is that for monitoring purposes (_checking_ before you
accept it as known good), almost every client[0] is allowed to also run as a

Maarten Wiltink

[0] 'Client' in the sense of 'not _intended_ as a server'. As may have
    obvious, the distinction between clients and servers in NTP is blurry.

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