On Sep 11, 4:54 pm, [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Hal
Murray) wrote:
> >   I am interested in getting a GPS clock to synchronize our internal
> >test network.  I am curious to hear about relativley cheap and Linux
> >friendly GPS clock. (Less than $100 would be great)
> The Garmin GPS 18 LVC is popular.  "Some assembly required."
> (aka soldering)  No big deal if somebody has a soldering iron
> handy.  There are a couple of links from here:
>  http://support.ntp.org/bin/view/Support/InexpensiveOemGps
> Bewares:
>   You don't want the GPS 18 USB version.
>   There are a lot of low cost USB GPS gizmos that use the
> SiRF Star III.  They suck for timekeeping.
> --
> These are my opinions, not necessarily my employer's.  I hate spam.
Thanks.  Although, I would prefer something to be just ready to go, as
we have a paper deadline coming up.

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