In article <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>,
 Uwe Klein <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Hal Murray wrote:
> >>I did get a look at the ntpd script today.  Turns out the answer on 
> >>where it gets the ntp.conf file is right there, near the top, in the 
> >>line "ntpconf=/etc/ntp.conf", even though the ntp man page points us 
> >>deeper in the /etc hierarchy.  
> > 
> > 
> >>The sysadmin I was working with was real annoyed, as the misinformation 
> >>in the man page had sent him into circles.  We will add pointer comments 
> >>to all placebo ntp.conf files, to save future generations of sysadmins 
> >>from this fate.
> > 
> > I still don't know which ntp.conf you are really using.
> > 
> > I'm looking at a Fedora 6 box.
> > 
> > If you look in /etc/init.d/ntpd, you will see that it mucks about
> > with ntpconf (the one above) to find the servers.  Those servers
> > get passed to ntpdate.  Mumble.  That's old crap.  There is now
> > a command line switch that does the right thing.  I don't see
> > where ntpconf gets passed to ntpd as a command line argument.
> > 
> > If the man page says ntpd uses some other config file, it
> > is probably right, or at it seems to me that it would be
> > more likely that the guy who changed the code also changed
> > the man page but didn't fixup the init script.
> > 
> Does Red Hat write distribution specific manpages? I would be surprised if.

Well, there was a full man page for ntp on RHEL, one that's far longer 
than your example below, and someone wrote it.  Don't know who, but the 
RHEL box was bought from IBM, who are famous for their documentation, so 
I would venture that IBM augmented the man page over what Red Hat 
provides.  And the E in RHEL is Enterprise, and enterprises want full 
documentation delivered with the product.

Joe Gwinn

> uwe
> This is the recent SuSE Linux Manpage that all ntp related keywords point to:
> NTP(1)                                                                        
>           NTP(1)
>         NTP - Network Time Protocol
>         The  NTP  distribution does not include man pages. To learn more 
>         about the NTP protocol
>         and this software, please install the xntp-doc package included in 
>         you SuSE Linux  dis-
>         tribution.
>         In  /usr/share/doc/packages/xntp-doc you will find the complete set 
>         of documentation on
>         building and configuring a NTP server or client. The documentation is 
>         in  the  form  of
>         HTML files suitable for browsing and contains links to additional 
>         documentation at var-
>         ious web sites.
>         Also included: What about NTP?  Understanding and using the Network 
>         Time  Protocol.   A
>         first  try  on  a  non-technical  Mini-HOWTO and FAQ on NTP. Edited 
>         by Ulrich Windl and
>         David Dalton.
>         Further information on NTP in the Internet  can  be  found  in  the  
>         NTP  web  page  at

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