j...@specsol.spam.sux.com wrote:
> Richard B. Gilbert <rgilber...@comcast.net> wrote:
>> j...@specsol.spam.sux.com wrote:
>>> Unruh <unruh-s...@physics.ubc.ca> wrote:
>>>> j...@specsol.spam.sux.com writes:
>>>>> Have you never heard of calling ntpdate before starting the NTP daemon?
>>>> uh, ntpdate is severely depricated, and ntpd -g is what is supposed to be
>>>> used. If ntpd -g fails it is a bug.
>>> Uhh, lots of mainline 'nix's don't have a -g option to ntpd and still
>>> have ntpdate, e.g. Solaris 10.
>> So download the reference implementation from ntp.org and build your 
>> own!  Both Sun's own development tools and gcc and other Gnu stuff are 
>> available in Solaris.  Sun's development tools are a separate download 
>> from the web site.
> You do understand there are lots of environments where it takes an
> act of God to be allowed to replace vendor utilities with self
> compiled versions, don't you?
Not at all!  I own the machines so I AM GOD!!!  YOUR mileage may vary!!

If your God wants you to use NTP V3, that's your problem.  And his!

Good luck!

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