Unruh <unruh-s...@physics.ubc.ca> writes:

>No I meant one in a thousand would read this post of yours and repent and
>change their ways. 

Ah - sorry - I misunderstood!

>Why not publish a list of the errant servers and shame them into good behaviour

I suspect that the stratum 2 and pool servers that are still
advertising leaps are doing so because they have learned about it
from an upstream server that is advertising it, so there's not much
point in nagging about it. From the stratum 1 list, I've only seen
ntp2.remco.org and ubitaneous.cpsc.ucalgary.ca advertise leap bits
in the last couple of days.

I guess that when the newer version of ntpd that takes a vote on
the forthcomming leap second is more widely deployed, then the
number of stratum 2 and pool servers advertiting leaps will be more


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