Maarten Wiltink wrote:
> "Dave Hart" <> wrote in message
>> On Feb 17, 9:01 am, "Maarten Wiltink" <>
>> wrote:
>>> My home network is on 192.168.27/24. I took the number from my
>>> street address. My brother (independently!) picked 53 for his
>>> network, by the same mechanism[0]. We have an OpenVPN tunnel
>>> between those networks. We have no routing problems.
>>> [0] And when they renumbered his house, he renumbered his
>>> network. Okay, I wouldn't have done that.
>> I've taken the same approach a couple of times at different
>> addresses with 192.168.address.0/24.  I also have a VPN going with
>> my brother. Sadly, his employer requires security software that
>> requires he use for his home network to be able to
>> VPN in to work.  As a workaround, I've sometimes subnetted a hotel
>> hotel address, claiming and using netmask
>>, so that when I VPN all but the first few addresses of
>> my brother's network are visible.
> Scary. You _are_ me. (-:
> (Actually, it was my employer, not his, that had a spurious
> 192.168.0/24 requirement somewhere, so I guess that introduces
> a cross in the connection somewhere.)

This is why I avoid the 192.168.*.* addresses everywhere. Everyone wants
to use them. Only my DMZ uses them.

> Groetjes,
> Maarten Wiltink
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