Martin Burnicki wrote:
> David J Taylor wrote:
>> Martin Burnicki wrote:
>>> However, if several local subnets needed to resolve ""
>>> then each one would have to ask the root servers the first time.
>> Wouldn't you have one or two central DNS servers for both subnets?
> Sorry, I've been not specific enough here.
> I meant e.g. several companies who have their own local subnets and
> local DNS servers.
> If they don't use their ISP's servers then the local DNS server in
> every company would contact the root DNS servers directly.
> If they used their ISP's DNS servers then all customers of the same
> ISP simply get the cached results for popular domains without having
> to contact the root servers.
> Of cause all of this discussion is based on assumptions, how much
> traffic and load on the root servers would differ if people used them
> rather then their ISP's servers.
> Martin


When I was involved in this, some years ago now, each site had its own DNS 
servers, and those spoke to a central company-wide DNS server.  The 
connection to the ISP was central, and not per-site.

I suppose that, like NTP, DNS should be configured to best suit local 
needs, and try to place minimum load on central servers, although the 
requirements and resulting configuration may be different.


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