On 2009-04-06, Unruh <unruh-s...@physics.ubc.ca> wrote:
> sheikdawoodraj...@gmail.com writes:

>>When I tried running this test case again the next day with (approx
>>25/30/40 minutes difference in 3 of the systems out of 7), the time
>>sync didn't happened for a while (approx 1 hour) or so. x conditions
>>remained the same on billboard results. Should I wait for some more
>>time to see time-sync happening?
> ntp can take 10 hours or more to sync.

I believe you mean "ntp can take 10 hours or more to amortize a clock's
offset within the limits of the hardware."

"Sync" is usually defined as "calculating the offset between a clock and
a reference standard, stepping or initiating a slew to correct the
offset, and becoming ready to serve time to others". ntpd is capable of
"syncing" in under 10 minutes. Even less if the initial offset is less
than 128ms and/or 'iburst' is used on the server lines.

Steve Kostecke <koste...@ntp.org>
NTP Public Services Project - http://support.ntp.org/

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