Rick Jones <rick.jon...@hp.com> wrote:
> I don't know that it would pack them within a 100ns interval, but
> interupt coalescing in GbE and higher NICs can cause frames which
> were otherwise spread-out on the network to appear to the host to
> arrive at essentially the same instant.  Their separation in the
> eyes of the host will depend on the speed at which the host
> processes them after being nudged by the NIC.

And there can be more than one NIC in the system...

rick jones
I don't interest myself in "why." I think more often in terms of
"when," sometimes "where;" always "how much."  - Joubert
these opinions are mine, all mine; HP might not want them anyway... :)
feel free to post, OR email to rick.jones2 in hp.com but NOT BOTH...

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