In article <>, hal- says...
> >So...  I'm about to try a couple of Windows "solutions"
> >(opportunities)  One the "Tardis" program, that would appear
> >to be able to take PPS based GPS signals, and act as a server.
> Tardis?
> Please see:
> In particular, I'd call Dave Plonka's writeup at
> required reading for anybody thinking about writing networking
> software.

Yes, I'm well aware of that.  Tardis I do know has been fixed in that 
respect, and would not be enabled (in my case) to ask existing servers 
the time, only to synch to GPS and provide it to the LAN.

The Netgear router issue too was solved a long time ago, but I bet there 
are still hundreds of affected routers still being used.

Best Regards.

Dave B

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